We made it to our destination safely!! The train ride was short, but so much fun! I forgot how smooth the train felt to ride in it, make smoother than riding in a car. The bummer was we where only on for about 45 minutes and we were to our stop!
Now onto todays' release!! I love when you wake up to cold smelling air. You just know that the season of fall was upon us. To me, there is just nothing better than Fall. Apple cider, pumpkin pie, spending time with the family before the hustle and bustle of the holidays. And let's not forget the beauty of the outdoors. Yeah, nothing is better than that. To celebrate the wonderfulness of Fall I have two new element packs for you this week that I hope you will love. Here, take a peek!
Whispers: Fall by Sahlin Studio:

I couldn't fit it all in one preview, so here is another look!

Whispers:Fall is the perfect way to add touch delicate beauty to youautumnal layouts. Made from layers of scattered leaves and goldensparkles, this element pack is sure to lend a warm and elegant feel toany project! Pack includes pre-shadowed leaf elements (11 of them) and one scrolled border.
And I'm not quite done yet! I have one more fun element pack for you this week. Take a look at:
Say It With Metal Vol. 1 by Sahlin Studio:

Some Inspiration:

Leave me a comment and tell me what you think!
Have a great weekend and Happy Scrapping!!