So....... GUESS whose moving????? ME!!!!!!!!

Yes. You've heard it right. Sahlin Studio is MOVING!!!
In many way I feel like you guys are my extend family. I love seeing your stories through the layouts you create; recognizing faces, seeing family activities, viewing milestones, seeing your everyday come to life in your layouts. I hope you will continue to honor me by allowing me to be a part of that.... It is a bittersweet moment saying goodbye to ScrapMatters... it's been my digi-home since I've started digiscrapping (over 3yrs ago). But I know that its right right thing for me, and it will be nice to have more creative freedom with my shop and design to my hearts content.
NOW ONTO the excitement!!! I don't know where to start but..... GET READY!!!
There are SO many amazing things coming up!!
And in order to get started, I thought I'd make this a little contest!!
Do you 'think' you know where I'm going??? hmmmmmmmm....
Leave a comment here on my blog as to WHERE you think Sahlin Studio is going to call home.
(I will pick one lucky winner to win a $20 Gift Certificate to my shop)
Contest closes on Wednesday, Sept 22 at 12Midnight EST; and I will announce where I am going!

«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 202 Newer› Newest»I am so sad to see you leaving scrapmatters, but I wish you the very best of luck. I look forward to following your blog no matter where you move. Just keep those great designs coming!!! My best guess - The Sweet Shoppe!
I'm going to guess Scrap Orchard
I'm guessing 9th & Bloom. Love your work! :)
Good luck with your move! I'm guessing you may be moving to The Lilypad.
I'm guessing the Lilypad!
Shabby Pickle! :-)
I'm guessing the Lilypad!
i am going to say 9th & Bloom
My guess would be 9th and Bloom! We will miss you at ScrapMatters, but wish you ALL the best with your move!! :)
I'm guessing you are moving to your own website? :)
I am guessing TheLilypad!! I thing your design would be perfect at the Lilypad:)
I'm guessing your own website, too! :) that would be great!
Guessing to sweet shoppe. You will be missed at SM
I am going to miss you at SM Krista but congrats on the new store! So exciting! I am going to say either Catscrap or 9th & Bloom.
I am guessing Scrap Orchard!! Good luck with the move!
I am gussing you are becomming a Studio Girl. Good Luck
I guess the Lilypad?
I'm guessing your own website or with Britt.
I am guessing you will be moving in with Britt-ish Designs!!! Congrats and best wishes in your move! ~Fonnetta
My guess is Scrap Orchard! Good luck!
scrap orchard :)
maybe Scrap Orchard?
I'm guessing that you are going to open your own website!
I'm guessing The Lilypad as well!! :D
My guess is you're movin' in with Britt! :)
Congrats! Hmmmm.... I'm torn between 9th & Bloom and the Lilypad. I think either would be fab, but I'll guess 9th & Bloom. Best of luck to you :)
i'm hoping it's to Scrap Orchard! good luck with ti.
I'd say The Lilypad!
Elemental scrap or Scrap orchard!
I`m very sorry to see you leaving Scrapmatters... but I think you`ll know what`s best for you ;) *erm* I guess... you`d be a perfect match for The Lilypad!
I'm guessing own shoppie. Can't wait to hear where you are going!!!
Good luck!! I guess it is Lilypad!
Hmm more creative freedom? My guess is your own shop. Good luck!!!
I guess 9th & Bloom
Good luck with the move. Change can be scary and good all at the same time. :D I am going to guess Scrap Orchard.
I'm going to guess you are going to Britt's new store :)
Oh O !! sad to see you leave SM !! But i looooove your products and i'll follow you anywhere !! hee hee... my the lily pad !!
OMG!!! I will follow you wherever you go! You are my FAVORITE DESIGNER!!!!! Ok, I think you will start your own online shop. Good Luck!!!! So exciting!!!!
When Britt moved to her own site, I said "Krista will be next!" I think you're moving over to Britt-ish Designs!
I'm guessing your own STORE or with Britt!!! Best Wishes to you!! Love your goodies!!
OMG - I totally see you at 9th & Bloom! But best of luck wherever it is that you go!!
I think you are moving to Sweet Shoppe Designs
I think it will be The Lilypad!
I'm guessing Sweet Shoppe Designs too! You are awesomely talented, so where ever you go, your loyal customers will follow!! :)
I'm guessing 9th & Bloom.
Guessing 9th and Bloom - good luck!
I guess Britt-ish Designs!!
I'm going to guess Scrap Orchard too - but wishing you very good luck where ever you do go!!!
My guess is Sweet Shoppe! Everyone there is totally talented and you would be a perfect fit!
My initial thought was over with Brittish Designs but the name doesn't imply other designers, so my second thought is your very own website/store/gallery/blog! That would be really exciting!
I think it is The Lilypad!!!!!
My initial thought is 9th & Bloom, but I'm hoping you'll say Scrap Orchard :) (esp. since they had a thing in their newsletter that someone new is moving in)
I think Scrapbook Graphics!
I think it's Scrap Orchard. SO would really be buzzing with you there! :) Can't wait to find out where it is!
My guess??? Hmmm 9th and Bloom :)
I would have to guess your own shop.
I guess you will have your own shop
If not you should
Your own shop :)
I'm guessing 9th and Bloom....or more like hoping!! Can't wait to find out!!!
My guess would be have a similar style to several artists there.
Congrats on your move! I'm going to guess The LilyPad.
I think you will have your new store on your own website like Britt. Good luck with the changes!
I'm with so many others an guessing that you'll be at 9th & Bloom. Can't wait for the big announcement.
I am guessing 9th & bloom, good luck:)
I say 9th & Bloom. Good luck and thanks for the chance!
I'm guessing Scrap Orchard or with Britt-ish Designs.
So sad you're leaving SM! I'll guess you're headed to Scrap Orchard!
I wish you well on your move. I have no idea what to guess, but I have read the others and in so doing have found a new-to-me shop, 9th & Bloom, so thanks for that. I will just guess something no one else has just to be different -- Little Dreamer Designs. I'll find you wherever you go. : )
At first I thought Shabby Pickle,but alot of old designers left so I would say 9th & Bloom.Good luck wherever you go.
Wishing you all the best Krista! My guess is for Scrap Orchard...since someone new is coming in!
Gosh, difficult call. I'm thinking Scrapbookgraphics so you can be Studio Sahlin :)
Congratulations! My guess is that you are going to have your own Independent Store. Wishing you the best and looking forward to winning so I can get more of your Designs.
PS. Are you having any goodies for the ones that will follow you in the new store? grab bag? etc? just wondering (smile)
Hmmm I'm going to guess Scrap Orchard!
I'm also thinking your own shop or Brittish Designs! Best of luck! :)
I guess The LilyPad since you guested there a few times and were so positive about it.
Oh, I will miss you at ScrapMatters! Good luck in your new adventure though! I will still be following your blog. Are you going to the Digichick? Somehow I think not, but a girl can hope, right?
I'm guessing 9th & Bloom - but it won't matter, we'll follow you wherever. =)
9th and bloom!
You'd be perfect for the Lilypad! But I'll follow you wherever you go. (Just to the shop you'll sell at, nothing stalkerish so don't worry!) ;)
I am going to guess your own website or you will move in with Britt-ish Designs! Congratulations on your new endeavor!!!
My guess is DHD.
I'm guessing Scrap Orchard.
My guess is your own store/website. :)
Either way.. how exciting!
Sweet Shoope Designs?
Congrats on the move... I'd love to see you at Brownie Scraps!! :-)
Moving over with Britt or possibly O Scraps
My guess is 9th&Bloom
Good luck with the move!
My guess is 9th and Bloom. Good luck with your move, I will be following you where ever you land, lol.
I'm guessing that you're gonna open your own shop.. Can't wait to see where you will end up though.. :)
I'd follow you anywhere, too, but I'm going to also guess Scrapbook Graphics.
I think you´ll be moving to your own website shop, like Britt did, or with her!!! Congrats and good luck!!!!
I am guessing Scrap Orchard!
I hope you are going with Britt...for selfish reasons of course...I want both of my favorite designers in the same place!
Wow --- my guess is LILYPAD ... but wherever you go, I'm sure to follow. Good luck!
I'll follow you wherever but I'm hoping 9th & bloom!!!! So three of my tabs left of leaving SM!
Soooo sad you are leaving ScrapMatters, it just won't be the same without you! :-( Although, I will follow you on over to your new home and I'm guessing it's 9th & Bloom. Best of luck with your new venture! :-)
Is it MScraps?
I'm going to say you are opening your own shop. That way you have do whatever you want :). Good luck with your move.
Congrats! I vote for Design House Digital. You would fit in well there.
My guess is After 5 Designs
My guess is with Britt!!
The Digichick?
I am going to guess Scrap Orchard.
Julie G
I'm guessing you're moving to Britt's site too!
I'm guessing Gingerscraps.
I also think you're moving to Britt's new store too. That would be awesome, you and Britt are my favorite designers!
Can I guess more than once? I guess right now, 9th and Bloom.
I am guessing ScrapOrchard too. :)
I don't care where you go as long as you leave a forwarding address ;) Hmmm going back and forth here... I guess The Lilypad!
It has to be the Lilypad--I hope it is!
I'm guessing 9th & Bloom, but good luck to you wherever it is!!!
Sorry to see you leave SM Krista ! From your comment I would guess you're setting up you're own store but otherwise I think you'd do great at the Lilypad.
Congrats and wish you the best, I'm guessing your own store or possibly Sweet Shoppe Designs.
The lilypad! It seems like the perfect place for your style of design, Krista. Am excited to follow your progress wherever you end up.
we're going to miss you at sm, i think your going to join britt on her new site or the lilypad. good luck to you.
I am going to guess Sweet Shoppe Design.
best wishes on the move - my guess is the lily-pad :)
Deviant Scrap!!!
DHD? Wherever you go, we will follow!!
I thought Digichick but I love the idea of you going to Britt's.
I am guessing your own website since you said that you were going to have more creative control.
Will you be joining Britt-ish Designs? Good luck with your new store. I love your designs.
My first guess is you're gonna be Britt's new roomie ;)
OR... Start your own shop. No matter where you go though, I'll find you there!! And Best of Luck!!
I'm guessing your new store will be 9th & Bloom. Good luck.
I'm guessing you're opening your own store? Good luck.
Please, please tell us you're going to The Lily Pad. Wherever you go....I'm sure to follow ya there!
So sad to see you leave SM! I could only imagine you going one place....The Lilypad!!!!
My first guess is The Lily Pad! However, I didn't know Britt was opening a store, so that's a good guess too...I will stick with TLP!!
What a shock to hear this news! I'll miss seeing your stuff at SM :( I'm going to guess that you are moving over with Britt or starting your own store.
I'm guessing Scrap Orchard?
I'm going to go with Lilypad too - but honestly - I'll find you wherever you are!
Well shucks, Krista.. such a sad day for everyone.. :( I'd have to say 9&B, Lilypad - OR since you're so incredibly innovative, I wouldn't doubt for a second that you'd do your own wonderful and incredible thing all by your lonesome.. :D Big hugs, and we'll miss you..
I'm going to guess you are moving to Britt-ish Designs site.
Best of luck! I, too, will follow you to where ever your new home is. I am going to guess either your own shop or with Britt. Again, hope the transition goes smoothly.
Definitely the lily pad without a doubt!!!
Good luck with your new endeavor. I'm guessing ScrapbookGraphics, though I really have no clue!!!!!!!!!!
I'm going to guess two peas in a bucket
I guess the lilypad as well. Good luck with the move.
I'm going to guess the Lilypad.
I'm going to say Scrap Orchard!
I am guessing Sweet Shoppe.
My guess is you are moving in with Britt. Match made in Heaven!
Are you joining Britt-ish Designs?
I'll so miss seeing your fabulous creations at SM, but look forward to seeing where your designing goes from here. You're so creative and have such amazing talent, I know you'll go far no matter what. I'm guessing you're going to open up your own shop. :)
My guess is the Lilypad!!!
As long as you are moving somewhere you can still create and share with us, I'm happy for you:-) My guess is Scrap Orchard (?!?)
I think you're going to Britt-ish Designs. You two are the best!
Yikes too hard to choose---but final answer is going to be Lilypad for me---
I am guessing Scrapbook Graphics because they use the "studio" in their name-
9th & Bloom of course!!!You rock!!!
I know Sweet Shoppe was that's my guess. But, where ever you go, I'll still be shopping for your designs! You rock!!
I don't know where you're going, but wherever it is that's where I will be. I love your work and I probably have purchased most of what you offer! Good Luck wherever you go!
Ohhh I'm so sad that you're leaving ScrapMatters! But I'm going to follow you wherever you go :) My guess is you'll be joining forces with Britt-ish Designs to have your own private shop.
My guess is Lily Pad. We'll sure miss you at ScrapMatters!
This is tough! I would say either The Lilypad or your own shop. Regardless of where you go, I will follow! Wishing you the best of luck!
It's so sad to see you leave SM Krista! I'm going to guess your new shop will be at Scrap Orchard. Good luck wherever you go!
Good luck wherever you go ! (we will go with you ;) )
Scrap Orchard or Shabby Pickle !
I am guessing The Lily Pad!
i think 9th& bloom
Goodness this was a shocker! I am sure that everyone would have wanted you to sell through their store, but for some reason I am picking Digichick. Guess I will find you anywhere
I guess it's your own shop! :)
I hope you're going to The Lily Pad. You are such a good fit there!
I'm sad.
I'm guess with Britt, or at least a site I am familiar with.
The Lilypad! I can't wait to see where you go (and follow of course)!
My guess is The Lilypad. Good luck!!!
I would guess....9th & bloom! Good luck to you.
Well, as sad as I am to see you leave SM, I'm also super excited for you and wish you all the best, Krista! I guess that you're either opening your own shop or heading over to The Lily Pad.
Oh I think you will be moving to the lilypad :D
Oh no! I'm sad, but excited for you! I'm guessing Lilypad!
I am guessing that you might be joining Britt at
my guess is your own site. can't wait to hear! good luck!
I think you are joining brittishdesigns. good luck and can't wait to see!!
LOL! Okay Krista, I always second-guess myself, but since you just posted this yesterday and Scrapbook Graphics has extended their VERY first open designer call, I am going to guess that we just might be seeing Studio Sahlin or Studio Krista in the VERY near future!
As with everyone else, I wish you the BEST wherever you go!
Hugs ...
P.S. You will be a perfect fit no matter where you call home! :)
That is big news!! I think you'll be opening your own shop :)
I'm hoping it is Mscraps!
I'm going to guess The Digi Chick. I'll follow you anywhere though!
I loved the collab you created with Valorie Wibbens so I will guess The Lilypad.
I think you are going to join Britt at her new site, brit-tish designs
Hmm, I'm thinking Scrap Orchard. Good luck with your move!
Well, I have no idea, but my guess is your own shop to have more creative freedom.
I'm guessing that you're moving in with Britt!
I am guessing you are going to Britt's new shop.
My guess is 9th and Bloom. And the best wished to you in your new "home"!
I'm guessing your own shop! Best of luck with the move!
I am guessing Lily Pad and I'm always right about these things! LOL! :)
I'm thinking you are opening your own store. Best of luck to you wherever you go!
I'm going to guess 9th and Bloom.
I love your stuff so I'll be following you... I think you're moving in with Britt!
Good luck in your new endeavor. My guess is Scrapbookgraphics.
Hoping it's the Lilypad..
Can't wait to see what excitement you have in store for us! Hmmm....I'm thinking either your own shop or After 5 Designs.
Another vote for either your own shop or teaming up with Britt in some way--you guys do make an awesome team! Best of luck wherever you are headed and I look forward to seeing what wonderful SS designs the future holds for all of us!
I think you're headed over to work with Britt...
I'm guessing The Lilypad!
The Lilypad!!
I know I'm past the deadline, but I just couldn't leave you sitting there with 199 comments...doesn't 200 just sound better :) I'm gonna say either TLP or 9th & Bloom. I know you'll be missed at SM for sure!
SERIOUSLY!!!!!! SO EXCITED! Britt-ish Designs. Pick me! Pick me! Please!!!!!! pretty please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I've been checking here every single day to see the news!
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